Sunday, August 2, 2009

2nd August
Today I went to the ancient city of Batipur in the Kathmandu valley. In this valley there are three areas, they are Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Batipur. At Batipur, I had to pay an entrance fee of 750 rupees. Inside I saw temples and palaces with intricate wood carvings, and architecture that showed the skill of the workers in the 15th century. Even today there are still skilled painters and pottery still being made at Batipur today. It’s just amazing how much talent goes into the worship of their gods and kings. Man was made to worship and I learnt that worship is placing worth on something. If man puts enough worth in something, naturally effort will follow from the heart. There is effort put into building Batipur, unlike Kathmandu whereby the trash is everywhere and there seems to be no order in that town.


Yesterday I shared at Wesley Methodist church. I was rather nervous before the sharing, but I kept praying that it would be God speaking through me by the Holy Spirit, and that somehow the people would come to understand His love abit more. After the message I really would not be able to know if the people came to understand God’s love abit more, but it affirmed certain things God has been teaching me. I had to share from what I was convicted by, and by doing so, helped me see God’s love for the people I was sharing to. God loves his people of every tribe, nation and tongue, and these people where my brothers and sisters. So surely God wants to show them more of His love with whatever means possible. I prayed that I might be one of those means, and so I believe for those who were open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, they would have come to understand God’s love abit more.


After service, I went to visit one of the church member’s husband in the hospital. I was appalled by the conditions of the wards in that hospital. Apparently that was one of the newer hospitals in Nepal! The sheets were stained and the place was not a pleasant place to be at all. It was like in those world war two movies. I was telling Loong that if I were ever sick in Nepal, going to the hospital here would not even be an option. God showed me how much we are blessed back in Singapore, and I have so much to thank God for.

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